Cádiz… beautiful cool town next to the Atlantic Ocean… This town had a much welcomed drop in temperature after warm days in Córdoba and a hot arrival in Sevilla. Let’s start our walking tour through this most charming city, shall we?

The official flag of Andalusia was hoisted here for the first time in 1936.

A few blocks away from here is the Plaza de La Catedral where, besides cafe serving tasty cortados, the Catedral de la Santa Cruz de Cádiz is located. It was built between 1722 and 1838, taking more than a hundred years to complete.

Just a block away is the Atlantic Ocean.

Going back into the city we find ourselves in narrow streets…

…only to end up at the Baluarte de la Candelaria, a military fortress, built in 1672. Even though it has been recomissioned as a cultural venue, it was not open this time around.

Back into the city walls, we find ourselves in more beautiful streets.

Cádizians really like their flowers.

We can create an entire photo book with images of taperías.